How and When We Ship:
- Orders are generally shipped within 3 days of your order and normally take an additional 3 - 5 business days to arrive.
- Orders are processed Mon-Fri during normal business hours; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. PST.
- We ship both domestically as well as worldwide. Our current flat-rate shipping charges:
A. U.S. Addresses Only-- USPS Insured $3.95
B. Priority Mail--Insured. U.S. Domestic Only $9.95
C. Foreign Uninsured Small, Airmail-to $50 $3.95
D. Foreign Airmail Insured and/or Large Items: $400 Maximum $19.95
F. Priority Mail International Insured $45.00
Our Return Policy:
- You may return damaged, defective or unwanted merchandise within 10 days of receipt for a full refund. We will also be glad to exchange returned merchandise for anything on our site of equal value.