U.S. Commemorative Stamps: 1952-1988; #1004 to 2400

US 1805-10 Letter Writing

Price: $1.65

VF NH Letter Writing Strip of 6

US 1827-30 Coral Reefs

Price: $1.10

VF NH Coral Reefs Se-tenant block of 4

US 1834-7 Indian Masks

Price: $1.35

VF NH Indian Masks Se-tenant block of 4

US 1838-41 15-cent Architecture Block

Price: $1.10

VF NH 15-cent Architecture Se-tenant block of 4

US 1844-69 Great Americans

Price: $9.40

VF NH 1980-85 Great Americans set. 26 stamps.<br>

1981 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1874-89, 1910-1945

Price: $19.50

VF NH 1981 Commemorative Year Set: 52 Stamps, Includes all se-tenant blocks and wildlife booklet pane 1889a.

US 1876-9, 1981 American Flowers

Price: $1.50

VF NH American Flowers Se-tenant Block of four.

US 1880-9 American Wildlife

Price: $4.75

VF NH 1981 Wildlife Booklet Pane of 10. Animals

US 1912-19 Space Shuttle

Price: $2.95

VF NH 1981 Space Shuttle-Space Achievements Block of 8

US 1921-4 Wildlife Preservation

Price: $1.35

VF NH Wildlife Preservation Se-tenant block of 4. Animals/Birds

US 1928-31 18-cent Architecture

Price: $1.50

VF NH 18-cent Architecture Se-tenant block of 4

US 1933 Bobby Jones, Golf

Price: $0.50

VF NH 1981 Bobby Jones Golf stamp

US 1942-5 Desert Cactus

Price: $1.35

VF NH Desert Cactus Se-tenant block of 4

1982 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set 1949-2030

Price: $30.95

VF NH 1982 Commemorative Year Set: 82 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks, Birds and Flowers Sheet and Bighorn Sheep booklet single

1982 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1949-52, 2003-2030

Price: $12.20

VF NH 1982 Commemorative Year Short Set: 32 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks, and Bighorn Sheep booklet single (no Birds and Flowers Sheet)

US 1953-02, 1982 Birds and Flowers Line Perforation

Price: $19.95

SALE! 1982 VF NH Birds and Flowers setenant sheet. Perf. 10.5 x 11.25, Line perforation. Note: this sheet was issued with dry, invisible gum.

US 1953-02Ac, 1982 Birds and Flowers Comb Perforation

Price: $22.50

1982 VF NH Birds and Flowers setenant sheet. Perforation 11.25 x11 variety, bullseye perforation. Note: this sheet was issued with dry, invisible gum.

US 2006-9, 1982 Knoxville Worlds Fair

Price: $1.60

VF NH Knoxville Worlds Fair se-tenant block

US 2019-22 Architecture

Price: $1.75

VF NH 1982 American Architecture Se-tenant block of 4

US 2027-30, Christmas Winter Scenes

Price: $2.15

VF NH 1982 Christmas Block, Winter Scenes

1983 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 2031-65

Price: $12.80

VF NH 1983 Commemorative Year Set: 35 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks

US 2032-5 Balloons

Price: $1.75

VF NH 1983 Balloon Transportation Se-tenant block of 4

US 2046 Babe Ruth

Price: $0.90

VF NH 1983 Babe Ruth

US 2048-51 Summer Olympics

Price: $1.35

VF NH 1983 Summer Olympics 13¢ Issue Se-tenant block of 4

US 2055-8 Inventors

Price: $1.75

VF NH 1983 American Inventors Se-tenant block of 4

US 2059-62 Streetcars Block of 4

Price: $1.75

VF NH, 1983 20-cent Streetcars Block of 4

1984 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 2066-2109

Price: $19.95

VF NH 1984 Commemorative Year Set: 44 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks

US 2067-70 1984 Winter Olympics Block of Four

Price: $1.95

VF NH, 1984 Winter Olympics Block of Four showing Ice Dancing, Skiing, and Ice Hockey.

US 2076-79 1984 Orchids Block of Four

Price: $1.75

VF NH, 1984 Orchids Block of Four. Showing the Wild Pink Orchid, the Lady' Slipper, the Spreading Pogonia, and the Pacific Calypso.

US 2082-85 1984 Summer Olympics Block of Four

Price: $2.10

VF NH, 1984 Summer Olympics Block of Four, showing Diving, Track and Field, Wrestling and Paddling.

US 2097, 1984 Roberto Clemente, Baseball

Price: $0.90

VF NH Roberto Clemente Baseball

US 2098-2101 1984 20-cent Dogs

Price: $1.75

VF NH, 1984 Dogs se-tenant block

1985 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 2110, 2137-66

Price: $16.40

VF NH 1985 Commemorative Year Set: 29 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks.

US 2138-41 1985 22-cent Duck Decoys

Price: $3.25

VF NH. 1985 hand-made duck decoy se tenant block of four.

US 2155-8, 1985 Horses Block

Price: $3.95

VF NH 1985 Horses se-tenant block of 4

US 2160-3 Youth Activities

Price: $2.75

VF NH Youth Activities, YMCA, Scouts, Camp Fire Se-tenant block of 4