U.S. Commemorative Stamps: 1989-1996 #2401 to 3119

US 2631-2634 1992 Space Achievement Block

Price: $2.25

VF NH, 1992 Space Achievement block of four. Joint issue with Russia showing space shuttles, the space station, and space modules.

US 2637-41, 1992 Summer Olympics

Price: $2.75

VF NH 1992 Summer Olympics se-tenant strip of 5

US 2642-6 Hummingbirds Pane

Price: $2.75

VF NH 1992 Hummingbirds se-tenant booklet pane of 5

US 2647-96, Wildflowers Pane of 50

Price: $29.95

Sale! VF NH, 1992 Wildflowers se-tenant pane of 50.<br>

US 2697, WW II 1942

Price: $6.95

VF NH WW II 1942 setenant souvenir sheet of 10 showing scenes from key battles.

US 2700-3 Minerals

Price: $2.25

VF NH Minerals Se-tenant block of 4

US 2705-9 Wild Animals Bright Eyes

Price: $2.95

VF NH 1992 Wild Animals Bright Eyes se-tenant booklet pane of 5

US 2711-4 Christmas Toys

Price: $2.75

VF NH 1992 Christmas Toys se-tenant block of 4

US 2715-2718 Christmas Toys Block From Booklet

Price: $3.35

VF NH 1992 Christmas Toys se tenant block of 4 from booklet.

US 2715-8 Christmas Toys

Price: $3.35

VF NH Christmas Toys Booklet pane of 4

US 2720 1993 Lunar New Year Pane, Rooster

Price: $10.00

VF NH. 1993 29-cent Lunar New Year, rooster, pane of 20.

1993 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 2721-2806

Price: $57.50

VF NH 1993 Commemorative Year Set: 92 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks; including 1 Hank Williams; both Rock and Country Singers sheet and Booklet blocks/strips, WW II sheetlet, and 3 Christmas Toys blocks.

US 2723A Hank Williams p.11.2x11.5

Price: $9.95

VF NH, 1993 Hank Williams p. 11.2x11.5 variety.

US 2724-30 Rock and Roll Music

Price: $4.95

VF NH 1993 Rock and Roll Music Singers se-tenant strip of 7

US 2731-2737a Rock and Roll Booklet Pane of 8

Price: $4.50

VF NH 1993 Rock and Roll Music Singers se-tenant booklet pane of 8

US 2741-5 Space Fantasy Pane

Price: $2.75

VF NH 1993 Space Fantasy se-tenant booklet pane of 5

US 2750-3, 1993 Circus Acts

Price: $2.15

VF NH 1993 Circus Acts se-tenant block of 4

US 2756-9, 1993 Racing Horses

Price: $2.15

VF NH 1993 Racing Horses se-tenant block of four

US 2760-4 Garden Flowers

Price: $2.95

VF NH Garden Flowers Booklet Pane of 5

US 2765, WW II 1943

Price: $6.95

VF NH WWII 1943 setenant souvenir sheet of 10 showing the Army, Navy and Marines in action.

US 2767-70, 1993 American Music

Price: $2.50

VF NH 1993American Music Series Broadway Plays se-tenant strip of four.

US 2771-4 Country Music block of 4

Price: $2.75

VF NH 1993 Country Music se-tenant block of four.

US 2775-8, 1993 Country Music BookletPane

Price: $2.35

VF NH 1993 Country Music se-tenant booklet pane of 4

US 2779-82 Postal Museum

Price: $2.15

VF NH Postal Museum Exhibits Se-tenant block of 4

US 2783-84a Sign Language

Price: $1.10

VF NH 1993 American Sign Language se tenant pair.

US 2785-8 Classic Books

Price: $2.15

VF NH Classic Books; Rebecca of Sunnbyrook Far, Little House on the Prarie, Huck Finn, & Little Women. Se-tenant block of 4

US 2791-4 Christmas Toys

Price: $2.15

VF NH 1993 Christmas Toys se-tenant block

US 2795-8 Christmas Toys Booklet Block

Price: $3.15

VF NH 1993 Christmas Toys se-tenant booklet pane block of 4

US 2799-02 Christmas Toys

Price: $2.90

VF NH 1993 Christmas Toys se-tenant booklet block of 4 (self-adhesive)

US 2799-02B Christmas Toys Coil Strip

Price: $3.25

VF NH 1993 Christmas Toys se-tenant coil strip of 4 (self-adhesive)

US 2807-11 Winter Olympics

Price: $2.75

VF NH Winter Olympics Strip of 5

1994 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 2807-2876

Price: $89.50

VF NH 1994 Commemorative Year Set: 104 Stamps. Includes all se-tenant blocks, WW II and Legends of West Mini Sheet, and two souvenir sheets. (Re-called Legends #2870, and Madison Sheetlet #2875, available separately).

US 2813-15 Love Stamp Set

Price: $2.50

VF NH 1994 Love regular issues, 4 stamps.

US 2817 1994 Lunar New Year Pane, Dog

Price: $15.00

VF NH. 1994 29-cent Lunar New Year, dog, pane of 20.

US 2819-2828a, 1994 Silent Screen Stars

Price: $9.50

VF NH 1994 Silent Screen Stars se-tenant block of 10

US 2829-33 Garden Flowers Pane

Price: $2.75

VF NH 1994 Garden Flowers vertical pane of 5