Mint U.S. Stamps 1922-1925: #551-606

US 604 One-cent Franklin Coil

Price: $0.50

FVF 1924 12-cent Franklin Perf. 10 unwatermarked

US 604 One-cent Franklin Line Pair

Price: $2.50

Fine NH Line Pair, One-cent Franklin vertical coil with horizontal perfs.

US 605 1 1/2-cent Harding Coil

Price: $0.40

VF NH 1 1/2-cent Harding vertical coil with horizontal perfs.

US 605 1 1/2-cent Harding Line Pair

Price: $4.50

FVF NH Line Pair, 1 1/2-cent Harding vertical coil with horizontal perfs.

US 606 George Washington Coil

Price: $0.65

VF NH Two-cent Washington vertical coil with horizontal perfs.

US 606 George Washington Coil Line Pair

Price: $3.95

VF NH. Coil Line PairTwo-cent Washington vertical coil with horizontal perfs.

US 606 George Washington Coil Line Pair

Price: $2.95

FVF NH Coil Line PairTwo-cent Washington vertical coil with horizontal perfs.

US 559 McKinley Seven-cent McKinley

Price: $2.95

Fine LH. 1922 McKinley Seven-cent Flat Plate Perf 11.

US 571 $1 Lincoln Memorial

Price: $15.00

Fine LH. 1922 Lincoln Memorial $1Flat Plate Perf 11.