U.S. Mint 1932 to Modern Definitive Stamps; Coil & Booklet

US 1938 Presidential Coil Set, 839-51

Price: $14.95

FVF LH 1938 Presidential Coil Set: "Prexy" 13 stamps

US 839-51, 1938 Presidential Coil Line Pairs

Price: $89.50

FVF NH. 1938 Presidential coil joint line pairs set: 13 pairs.

US 839-51, 1938 Presidential Coil Set Pairs

Price: $57.50

VF NH 1938 Presidential Coil Set: 13 Pairs

US 1030-53, 1954 Liberty Issue Set

Price: $59.50

VF NH. 1954 Liberty Set, complete 1/2-cent through $5. 27 Stamps.

US 1030-53, 1954 Liberty Issue Set

Price: $35.00

VF LH. 1954 Liberty Set, complete 1/2-cent through $5. 26 Stamps.

US 1046 15-cents John Jay

Price: $0.50

VF NH, 1958 15-cent John Jay, Supreme Court Chief Justice

US 1047 20-cents Monticello

Price: $0.40

VF NH,1956 20-cent Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's Home.

US 1048 25-cent Paul Revere

Price: $0.90

VF NH, 1958 25-cent Paul Revere

US 1049 30-cents Gen. Robert E. Lee

Price: $0.90

VF NH, 1955 30-cent Gen. Robert E. Lee

US 1050 40-cents John Marshall

Price: $1.30

VF NH, 1955 40-cents John Marshall, Supreme Court Chief Justice

US 1051 50-cents Susan B. Anthony

Price: $1.30

VF NH, 1955 50-cents Susan B. Anthony

US 1052 $1 Patrick Henry

Price: $4.30

VF NH, 1955 $1 Patrick Henry

US 1053 $5 Alexander Hamilton

Price: $45.00

VF NH, 1956 $5 Alexander Hamilton

US 1054-59A Liberty Coil Set

Price: $3.70

VF NH. Liberty Coil Set complete. For pairs order two sets. Line pairs available. Send email for pricing.

US 1208-9_1213-14_1225_1229 1962-3 Regular issues

Price: $2.25

VF NH 1962-3 Regular issues: 6 Stamps. Now with 1214, eight-cent Pershing, (moved from 1954 set) not shown.

US 1225-9 Jackson & Washington Coil Line Pairs

Price: $4.95

VF NH Jackson &amp; Washington Coil Line Pairs. Note: you will receive joint line pairs, not normal pairs as shown.<br>

US 1278-95, 1965-78 Prominent Americans

Price: $17.95

VF NH. 1965-78 Prominent Americans Complete Set. Also includes 30-cent John Dewey, not pictured, 21 stamps.

US 1294 $1 Eugene O'Neill

Price: $1.90

VF NH 1967 Prominent Americans, $1 Eugene O'Neill

US 1295 $5 John Moore

Price: $8.50

VF NH 1966 Prominent Americans $5 John Moore

US 1297-1305C Prominent Americans Coils

Price: $4.50

VF NH 1965-81 Prominent Americans Coil Set

US 1297-1305C Prominent Americans Coil Pairs

Price: $7.25

VF NH 1965-81 Prominent Americans Coil Set Pairs

US 1338-38G U.S. Flag Regular Issue

Price: $0.90

VF NH 1968-1971 Regular Issues: 5 Stamps

US 1341 Vietnam Airlift

Price: $1.75

VF NH $1 Vietnam Airlift. Special parcel stamp for sending packages to military servicemen in Vietnam.

1393-1402; 1970-74 Issue-Eisenhower

Price: $2.75

VF NH, 1970-74 Regular Issues, 11 Sheet and Coil stamps

US 1509-20 1973-4 Regular Issues

Price: $1.00

VF NH 1973-4 Regular Issues: 6 stamps

US 1581-1612, 1975 Americana Regular Issue

Price: $18.50

VF NH 1975-81 Americana Issue (Without 1590A) 23 stamps. !590A available separately.<br>

Capital Dome & Flag Booklet Pair

Price: $0.70

1977 Nine-cent Capital Dome & 13-cent Flag Booklet Pair. Perforated 11x10.5.

US 1590A Capitol Dome

Price: $14.00

VF NH Capitol Dome Perf. 10

US 1610 $1 Candlestick Americana Issue

Price: $1.75

1979 $1 Candlestick Americana issue.

US 1611 1978 $2 lantern

Price: $3.35

VF NH 1978 $2 lantern

US 1612 1979 $5 Lantern

Price: $7.95

VF NH Americana 1979 $5 Lantern

US 1613-19, Americana Coils

Price: $2.75

VF NH, 1975-79 Americana Coils including four new stamps not printed in sheet format. For pairs order two sets.

US 1622-25, 1975-81 Flags

Price: $2.35

VF NH 1975-81 Flag Issues:5 stamps

US 1734.7_1743 "A" Stamps, New Rate Group

Price: $1.50

VF NH 1978 New rate; three 15-cent "A" stamps and roses. Indian head penny experimental stamp. Five stamps.

US 1738-42 Windmills

Price: $1.50

VF NH, 1980 Windmills strip of 5.

US 1811_1813_1816_1818-20,

Price: $1.50

VF NH 1980-1 Americana Coils and "B" Stamps