Bundespost Semi-Postal, Airmail Stamps
GE B327-30 Used
Price: $55.00
VF Used. 1952 contributors to humanity. Including: Elizabeth Fry, Dr Carl
Sonnenschein, Theodor Fliedner, and Henri Dunant. Surcharge
for welfare.
GE B331 1953 German Museum in Munich
Price: $16.00
VF NH. 1953 stamp marking the 50th Anniversary of the German
Museum in Munich. Showing an owl perched on a cogwheel.
GE B331 1953 German Museum in Munich
Price: $7.50
VF LH. 1953 stamp marking the 50th Anniversary of the German
Museum in Munich. Showing an owl perched on a cogwheel.
GE B331 1953 German Museum in Munich Used
Price: $19.50
VF Used. 1953 stamp marking the 50th Anniversary of the German
Museum in Munich. Showing an owl perched on a cogwheel.
GE B332-3
Price: $38.50
VF NH. 1953 International Stamp Exhibition, Frankfurt. Showing the
Thurn and Taxis Palace Gate, and the telecommunications building
in Frankfurt.
GE B332-3 LH
Price: $13.50
VF LH. 1953 International Stamp Exhibition, Frankfurt. Showing the
Thurn and Taxis Palace Gate, and the telecommunications building
in Frankfurt.
GE B334-7 LH
Price: $19.50
VF LH. Honoring contributors to humanity. Including Agust Francke,
Sebastian Kneipp, Dr Johann Senckenberg, and Fridtjof Nansen.
Surcharge for welfare.
GE B334-7
Price: $57.50
VF NH. Honoring contributors to humanity. Including Agust Francke,
Sebastian Kneipp, Dr Johann Senckenberg, and Fridtjof Nansen.
Surcharge for welfare.
GE B334-7 Used
Price: $57.50
VF Used. Honoring contributors to humanity. Including Agust Francke,
Sebastian Kneipp, Dr Johann Senckenberg, and Fridtjof Nansen.
Surcharge for welfare.
GE B338-41 Used
Price: $34.50
VF Used. 1954 Honoring contributors to humanity. Including Kathe Kollwitz, Lorenz Werthmann, Johann Oberlin, and Bertha Pappenheim.
Surcharge for welfare.
GE B342-3 NH
Price: $12.50
VF NH. 1955 Pair for the WESTROPA philatelic exhibition in
Dusseldorf. Showing a post horn and stamp tongs.
GE B342-3 LH
Price: $7.50
VF LH. 1955 Pair for the WESTROPA philatelic exhibition in
Dusseldorf. Showing a post horn and stamp tongs.
GE B342-3 Used
Price: $13.50
VF Used. 1955 Pair for the WESTROPA philatelic exhibition in
Dusseldorf. Showing a post horn and stamp tongs.
GE B344-7 NH
Price: $31.50
VF NH. 1955 Set showing contributors to human welfare. Including: Amalie Sievenking, Adolf Kolping, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, and Florence
GE B344-7 Used
Price: $29.50
VF Used. 1955 Set showing contributors to humanity. Including: Amalie Sievenking, Adolf Kolping, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, and Florence
GE B348-9 NH
Price: $6.75
VF NH. 1956 Set to raise money for youth hostel organizations. Showing a boy and girl.
GE B348-9 LH
Price: $4.00
VF LH. 1956 Set to raise money for youth hostel organizations. Showing a boy and girl.
GE B348-9 Used
Price: $8.75
VF Used. 1956 Set to raise money for youth hostel organizations. Showing a boy and girl.
GE B350-53 NH
Price: $15.50
VF NH. 1956 Set honor Ignaz Semmelweis, discoverer of puerperal
fever. Scenes from nursing, and Semmelweis. Surcharge for
GE B350-53 LH
Price: $9.00
VF LH. 1956 Set honor Ignaz Semmelweis, discoverer of puerperal
fever. Scenes from nursing, and Semmelweis. Surcharge for
GE B350-53 Used
Price: $13.50
VF Used. 1956 Set honor Ignaz Semmelweis, discoverer of puerperal
fever. Scenes from nursing, and Semmelweis. Surcharge for
GE B354-5 NH
Price: $3.00
VF NH. 1957 Set for the Children of Berlin. Surcharge used to
send Berlin's children on vacation. Showing children in
camper's uniforms.
GE B354-5 LH
Price: $1.75
VF LH. 1957 Set for the Children of Berlin. Surcharge used to
send Berlin's children on vacation. Showing children in
camper's uniforms.
GE B354-5 Used
Price: $3.95
VF Used. 1957 Set for the Children of Berlin. Surcharge used to
send Berlin's children on vacation. Showing children in
camper's uniforms.
GE B356-59 NH
Price: $16.00
VF NH. 1957 Set honoring miners. Surcharge for welfare. Showing mine scenes.
GE B356-59 Used
Price: $15.00
VF Used. 1957 Set honoring miners. Surcharge for welfare. Showing mine scenes.
GE B366-67a Hamburg Stamps Commemoration
Price: $1.65
1959 VF NH, GE B366-67 Hamburg Stamps Commemoration shade varieties.
GE B372-5 Little Red Riding Hood
Price: $2.70
VF NH, Little Red Riding Hood Fairy Tale Set of 4. For Charity.
GE B388-91 Birds
Price: $2.20
1963 VF NH, Various Birds; Golden Oriole, Bullfinch, Hoopoe, and
Kingfisher. For Youth charity.
GE B392-5 The Wolf and Seven Kids
Price: $1.15
1963 VF NH, the Grimm Brothers, "The Wolf and Seven Kids." For charity.