Used Third Reich Stamps: 1933-1945

This category lists most Third Reich regular and semi-postal stamp issues. We also have airmails, officials, and special cancels.

B68 Ostropa Exhibition Souvenir Sheet Block

Price: $487.50

VF/XF 1935 Ostropa Souvenir Sheet with Ostropa show cancel. Line across bottom of sheet is from protective mount.

GE B69-78u Women's Regional Costumes

Price: $37.50

FVF 1935 set of 10 showing regional traditional dress. Wonderfully engraved and colorful. It is one of the early, long commemorative sets the 3rd Reich printed to show off German Culture.

GE B79-81u Winter Olympics 1936

Price: $6.50

FVF 1935 Showing three winter events, the Ski Jump, Ice Skating and Bobsled, this set was issued for the 1936 winter games in Garmish. Both the winter and summer Olympic games were held in Germany in 1936

GE B82-89u Summer Olympics, 1936

Price: $12.50

VF used. 1936 set of 8. Hitler's Germany hosted the 1936 Olympics, which were used for political and propaganda purposes. Fantastic new Sports Arenas and Stadiums were built for the games, as well as a number of other buildings. These stamps were printed for the Olympic games, and show German athletes at a number of events.

GE B82-89u Summer Olympics, 1936, Olympic Village

Price: $24.50

VF used. 1936 complete set of 8 with olympic cancels! Hitler's Germany hosted the 1936 Olympics, which he used for political and propaganda purposes. Fantastic new Sports Arenas and Stadiums were built for the games, as well as a number of other buildings. These stamps were printed for the Olympic games, and show German athletes at a number of events. With official Olympic Village cancels. Note: stamps will come all on one page with only circular olympic cancel on each one.

GE B90u Brown Ribbon Souvenir Sheet

Price: $12.95

VF 1936 Souvenir sheet issued for the Running of the "Brown Band" (brown ribbon) horse race in Munich. The surcharge on the sheet went towards a 100,000 RM prize for the race winner. With special cancel for the race.

GE B91-2u Summer Olympics Souvenir Sheets

Price: $77.50

VF 1936 Souvenir Sheet Set of 2 Issued for the 1936 Olympics. They clearly show the Olympic Games watermark. The set shows German athletes at a number of events. A great Olympic set. Variety of event cancels available. Cancels & location may vary.

GE B93-101u Engineering Marvels

Price: $10.95

VF 1936 set of 9 Issued to show German achievements. Included are the autobahn and autobahn bridges, aqueducts, and buildings. A great scenic set from early 3rd Reich.

GE B102u Hitler Birthday Souvenir Sheet 1937

Price: $11.95

VF 1937 souvenir sheet issued for Adolph Hitler"s Birthday in 1937. It depicts a ghoulish portrait on its four stamps. Saying on sheet translates to: If we want to save a people, we must only think heroically. Cancels will vary.

GE B103u Imperforate Hitler Birthday Sheet

Price: $15.00

VF used. Souvenir sheet issued for Adolph Hitler's Birthday and the national stamp exhibition in 1937. It depicts a ghoulish portrait. It depicts a ghoulish portrait on its four stamps. Saying on sheet translates to: If we want to save a people, we must only think heroically.

B104a Hitler Birthday Single from Sheet w/Surcharge

Price: $5.00

VF used. 1937 single from souvenir sheet issued for Adolph Hitler"s Birthday with additional 400 percent surcharge tabs on the four stamps. The tabs have rouletting for separation.

GE B104u Hitler Birthday Souvenir Sheet w/Surcharge

Price: $49.50

VF used. 1937 souvenir sheet issued for Adolph Hitler"s Birthday with additional 400 percent surcharge tabs on the four stamps. The tabs have rouletting for separation. Cancel will vary.

GE B105u Brown Ribbon Sheet, Overprint

Price: $75.00

VF Souvenir sheet issued for the 1937 Running of the "Brown Band" (brown ribbon) race in Munich. They took the earlier sheet and overprinted it with the Nazi Party Symbol and "1 August 1937 / Munchen-Reim."

GE B107-15u Historic Ships

Price: $13.50

VF 1937 This set shows historic German Ships. Well engraved and colorful, it is part of a group of sets highlighting German Culture and History.

GE B116-7u Nazi Five-Year Anniversary

Price: $2.95

VF 1938 This excellent set honors the Nazis taking of power in 1933. Showing an idealistic German youth with a torch and laurel. A pair of majestic white horses pull a wagon in the background. Great symbolism

GE B118u Hitler's 1938 Birthday

Price: $2.95

VF Hitler portrait birthday stamp of 1938. The 12 38pf red stamp was issued April 13, one week prior to his birthday.

GE B118, 120, 137, Hitler's Birthday and Party Event, Berlin Cancel

Price: $15.00

VF used. Hitler portrait birthday stamps of 1938 and 1939, and a Reichs Party Day 1938 stamp. Three stamps on a small envelope canceled in Berlin in 1939 and mailed to Wisconsin.

GE B119u Brown Ribbon Horse Race 1938

Price: $24.95

VF Issued in 1938 as part of a series to commemorate the "Brown Band" races, The stamps of the series depict some of the most beautiful horse images printed on stamps. The subject of a nude atop a rearing stallion was controversial in its day.

GE B119u Brown Ribbon Horse Race 1938, Race Cancels!

Price: $29.50

Sale! VF Cancel. Issued in 1938 as part of a series to commemorate the "Brown Band" races, the stamps of the series depict some of the most beautiful horse images printed on stamps. With special cancel for the Races.

GE B119u Brown Ribbon Horse Race 1938, Race Cancels!

Price: $39.50

VF used. Issued in 1938 as part of a series to commemorate the "Brown Band" races, the stamps of the series depict some of the most beautiful horse images printed on stamps. With special cancel for the horse-jumping competition.

GE B120u 1938 Nazi Congress / Hitler's Portrait

Price: $4.95

VF used. Hitler portrait issue for the Nazi Party Congress of 1938. The 12 19pf green stamp used the design of the earlier birthday stamp in red. A new value and the words, "Reichsparteitag," added. Stamp has one shortish perf on left margin.

GE B121-2u Saar Theater

Price: $3.25

VF 1938 set showing the New Saar Theater. Surcharge for Hitler's national culture fund.

GE B123-31u Austria Scenic Sites

Price: $9.95

VF 1938 Proud over their recent annexation of Austria the Nazis issued this Scenic Landmarks-Castles and Buildings Set. Showing Historic Austrian Landmarks and Flowers.

GE B132-3u Takeover of Sudetenland

Price: $4.95

VF 1938 set commemorates the annexation of the Sudetenland, a part of Czechslovakia with a heavy German population. The area was given to Hitler by England and France in an attempt to avoid WWII. Showing miners in the coal rich area.

GE B134-6u Berlin Auto Show

Price: $9.95

VF 1939 set Showing the first Mercedes (horseless carriage) a Volkswagen and a Porsche Racing Car on display at the Berlin auto show. The set has a surcharge. They used the money to finance Hitler És National Culture Fund.

GE B134-6u Berlin Auto Show W/Show Cancels!

Price: $19.50

VF 1939 set Showing the first Mercedes (horseless carriage) a Volkswagen and a Porsche Racing Car on display at the Berlin auto show. The set has a surcharge. Three stamps on envelope piece with a special Cancel for the Auto Show! Cancels over stamps, not at bottom as shown.<br>

B134-36 1939 International Auto Show w/CXL

Price: $27.50

VF 1939 set on special cards for the Berlin auto show. Picturing the first Mercedes (horseless carriage) a Volkswagen and a Porsche Racing Car on display at the show. Three stamps each on a card with a special Cancel for the Auto Show! Reverse has advertising for Deutsche Bank.

GE B137u Hitler's 1939 Birthday

Price: $3.75

VF used. 1939 Hitler Birthday stamp shows him in his birth town of Braunau, Austria. In military uniform with greatcoat.

GE B138-9u Stuttgart Botanical Exhibition

Price: $3.50

VF April 1939 Botanical Exhibit in Stuttgart. Showing how life in Germany continued as usual, while the German Army was occupying Czechslovakia and preparing to Attack Poland and France.

GE B140u Hitler's Birthday 1939

Price: $3.95

VF used. For Day of National Labor. Portrait of Hitler at podium with swastika armband.. Stamp later overprinted for the 1939 Nazi Party Rally in Nurmberg.

GE B141-3u Nurburgring Auto Races

Price: $55.00

VF used. 1939 Nurburgring Race Overprint on Auto Show Issue. Showing the first Mercedes (horseless carriage) a Volkswagen and a National Union Racing Car on display at the Berlin auto show. It is overprinted- NURBURGRING-RENNEN, FOR the 1939 race.

GE B144u Blue Ribbon Horse Race

Price: $11.95

VF 1939 Issue for the German Derby in Hamburg, 70th Anniversary. Showing racehorse "Investment"&nbsp;25+50pf. <br>

GE B145u Brown Ribbon 1939 Horse Race

Price: $17.50

VF 1939 Third Reich Brown Band Race. Racing stamp depicting a man and two white stallions. On piece.

GE B145u Brown Ribbon Race & Pictorial Cancel

Price: $29.50

VF 1939 Third Reich Brown Band Race. Racing stamp depicting a man and two white stallions. On piece with special graphic cancellation for the race!

GE B146u Venetian Woman

Price: $7.50

VF 1939 Venetian Woman by Durer. For the day of German Art.

GE B147 1939 NSDAP Congress, Hitler

Price: $8.50

VF 1939 This Hitler stamp is a re-issue of an earlier Hitler portrait stamp with the additional inscription "Reichparteitag 1939." This was one of an annual issue for the NAZI Party Congress in Nurenberg.