-Slovakia Stamps

Slovakia 89-92, 1943 New Railroad Line

Price: $2.50

VF NH 1943 New Railroad Line between Presov and Strazske

Slovakia 93-94A, 1944 Political Leaders

Price: $1.50

VF NH 1944 Andrej Hlinka, Ludovit Stur, Martin Razus, political leaders.

Slovakia 93-94A, 1944 Political Leaders

Price: $0.65

VF LH 1944 Andrej Hlinka, Ludovit Stur, Martin Razus, political leaders.

Slovakia 93-94A, 1944 Political Leaders

Price: $0.95

VF used 1944 Andrej Hlinka, Ludovit Stur, Martin Razus, political leaders.

Slovakia 95-102, 1944Royalty Set of 8

Price: $3.95

VF NH Slovakia 1944 Royalty Set of 8

Slovakia 95-102, 1944Royalty Set of 8

Price: $2.95

VF LH Slovakia 1944 Royalty Set of 8

Slovakia 103-107, 1944 Rural Scenic Issue, New Colors

Price: $1.50

VF NH. Slovakia 1944 Rural Scenic Issue, New Colors

Slovakia 103-107, 1944 Rural Scenic Issue, New Colors

Price: $0.95

VF LH. Slovakia 1944 Rural Scenic Issue, New Colors

Slovakia B1, 1939 President Josef Tiso

Price: $3.95

VF NH, President Josef Tiso with 100% surcharge for Child Welfare

Slovakia B1, 1939 President Josef Tiso

Price: $2.25

VF LH, President Josef Tiso with 100% surcharge for Child Welfare

Slovakia B2-4, 1941 Medic and wounded soldier

Price: $3.50

VF NH, 1941 Medic and wounded soldier

Slovakia B5-7, 1941 Mother and Child

Price: $2.95

VF NH, 1941 Mother and Child. Child welfare surcharges

Slovakia B5-7, 1941 Mother and Child

Price: $2.50

VF used, 1941 Mother and Child. Child welfare surcharges

Slovakia B11-13, 1943 Children/Red Cross

Price: $0.75

VFLH, 1943 Children/Red Cross. Surcharge for charity, Red Cross. War relief for children.

Slovakia B11-13, 1943 Children/Red Cross

Price: $0.85

VF used, 1943 Children/Red Cross. Surcharge for charity, Red Cross. War relief for children.

Slovakia B17-20, 1943 Slovakian Culture

Price: $2.00

VF NH, 1943 Slovakian culture

Slovakia B17-20, 1943 Slovakian Culture

Price: $1.35

VF LH, 1943 Slovakian culture

Slovakia B17-20, 1943 Slovakian Culture

Price: $1.35

VF used, 1943 Slovakian culture

Slovakia B21-24, 1943 Sports

Price: $2.50

VF NH, 1943 Sports showing soccer, skier, diving and track.

Slovakia B21-24, 1943 Sports

Price: $1.95

VF LH, 1943 Sports, showing soccer, skier, diving and track.

Slovakia B21-24, 1943 Sports

Price: $3.50

VF used, 1943 Sports, showing soccer, skier, diving and track.

Slovakia B27, 1944 Children Playing

Price: $2.75

VF NH, Children Playing. Child welfare.

Slovakia B27, 1944 Children Playing

Price: $1.85

VF LH, Children Playing. Child welfare.

Slovakia B27, 1944 Children Playing

Price: $39.50

VF NH, Children Playing. Child welfare. Pane of Eight stamps with label and marginal inscriptions.

Slovakia B27, 1944 Children Playing Center Strip of 3

Price: $12.50

VF NH, Children Playing. Child welfare. Center Strip of 3 stamps from pane with label and marginal inscriptions.

Slovakia C1-6, 1939 Airmail Issue

Price: $3.95

VF used, Aviation, showing planes over Mountains.

Slovakia C7-9, 1940 Allegory of Flight

Price: $4.25

VF NH, 1940 Allegory of Flight.

Slovakia C7-9, 1940 Allegory of Flight

Price: $2.75

VF LH, 1940 Allegory of Flight.

Slovakia C7-9, 1940 Allegory of Flight

Price: $4.50

VF used 1940 Allegory of Flight.

Slovakia EX1-2, 1940 Personal Delivery Stamps

Price: $2.00

VF NH, 1940 Personal Delivery Stamps

Slovakia J1-12, 1939 Postage Due Set

Price: $89.50

<div>VF NH, 1939 Postage Due Set, Unwatermarked. </div>

Slovakia J1-12, 1939 Postage Due Set

Price: $59.50

VF LH, 1939 Postage Due Set, Unwatermarked.

Slovakia J1-12, 1939 Postage Due Set

Price: $29.50

VF used, 1939 Postage Due Set, Unwatermarked.

Slovakia J13-23, 1940-1 Postage Due Set

Price: $18.50

VF LH, 1940-1 Postage Due Set

Slovakia J24-38, 1942 Postage Due Set

Price: $22.50

VF NH, 1942 Postage Due Set

Slovakia J24-38, 1942 Postage Due Set

Price: $14.50

VF LH, 1942 Postage Due Set