United States Stamps
United States Stamps
This category shows the vast majority of United States classic and modern stamps we have listed on Allstamp.net. We have added a number of tools to make your search faster and more efficient. With more than 50 sub categories, you will discover a vast offering of United States Material to enhance your collection. We hope you enjoy your stay with us.
U.S. Commemorative Stamp Year Sets
1935-2016 complete sets of never-hinged commemoratives by year issued. Many regular issue stamp complete sets also listed. See the sub-category "U.S. Commemorative Stamp Year Sets 2017-Present," to the left for later years.
U.S. Mint Stamps
Classic mint United States 19th Century to 1926, regular and commemoratives. Modern United States stamps available.
Classic U.S. Used Stamps
Classic Used United States 19th Century to 1926, regular and commemoratives. Offering a wide variety by issue, condition and pricing.
U.S. Commemorative Stamps
individual U.S. commemorative stamps from 1893 through 1934, plus Year Sets, and selected singles, se tenant blocks and panes from 1935 to 2018.
U.S. Mint Definitive/Regular Issue Stamps
Regular issue stamps 1847 through 2018, classic, through modern postage, including special rates, priority and express mail.
US Airmail Stamps
Complete mint U.S. Airmail issues in stock.
Special Delivery Stamps
Comprehensive U.S. Special Delivery stamps listed; classic through modern at great prices.
Postage Due Stamps
We have an excellent selection of Postage Due Stamps. Individual stamps and modern sets available.
U.S. Official Stamps
Modern U.S. official stamps listed. Classic stamps available.
Parcel Post Stamps
Our 1912 Parcel Post Stamp issues (Q1-12) offer a wide selection of choices to fit your collecting style.
Duck Stamps
Complete U.S. Waterfowl Hunting stamps in stock to 2015. We have NH, lightly hinged and used Duck Stamps available in several grades.
Albums, Discount Postage, & Stamp Lots
Older U.S. postage at face value. Decorate your mail with older stamps. Sold at the actual post-office price. Good assortment of stamps from 1935 through 2000 in various denominations. Requests for specific values will be honored if possible. Made up of overstock, special buys, and close-outs! Some may be hinged, disturbed gum or seconds, but most will be fresh never hinged stamps, all valid for postage. The more you buy, the better the assortment.