U.S. Stamps Mint, 700-799: 1931-1937

US 726 1933 Gen Oglethorpe

Price: $0.50

VF NH 1933 Gen Oglethorpe

US 727 Washington's Headquarters

Price: $0.25

VF NH 1933 Washington's Headquarters

US 728 Fort Dearborn

Price: $0.25

VF NH 1933 Fort Dearborn

US 729 Century of Progress

Price: $0.30

VF NH three-cent 1933 Century of Progress Chicago

US 730 One-cent 1933 Century of Progress Souvenir Sheet

Price: $17.50

SALE! VF * 1933 Century of Progress One-cent Souvenir Sheet. Issued without gum.

US 730a One-cent 1933 Century of Progress One-cent Single

Price: $0.60

VF * Imperforate single from 1933 Century of Progress One-cent Souvenir Sheet Issued without gum.

US 731 Three-cent 1933 Century of Progress Souvenir Sheet

Price: $17.95

SALE! VF * 1933 Century of Progress Three-cent Souvenir Sheet. Issued without gum.

US 731a Three-cent 1933 Century of Progress Three-cents Single

Price: $0.60

VF * Imperforate single from 1933 Century of Progress Three-cent Souvenir Sheet.Issued without gum.

US 732 NRA

Price: $0.25

VF NH 1933 NRA

US 733 Admrial Byrd

Price: $0.50

VF NH 1933 Admrial Byrd Antarctic Issue Perf. 11

US 734 1933 Gen Kosciuszko

Price: $0.50

VF NH 1933 Five-cent General Kosciuszko

US 735 Admiral Byrd Antarctic Souvenir Sheet

Price: $8.95

VF * 1933 Admiral Byrd Antarctic Souvenir Sheet. Issued without gum.

US 735a Admrial Byrd Single Stamp

Price: $1.40

VF * Single from 1933 Admrial Byrd Antarctic Souvenir Sheet Issued without gum.

US 736 Two Cent Maryland

Price: $0.25

VF NH 1934 Maryland 300th Anniversary

US 737 Mothers' Day

Price: $0.25

VF NH 1934 Mothers' Day Rotary Press Perf 11x10.5

US 738 Mothers' Day

Price: $0.25

VF NH 1934 Mothers' Day, Flat Plate Perf 11.

US 739 Wisconsin

Price: $0.35

VF NH Wisconsin 300th Anniversary

US 740-9 National Parks

Price: $12.50

VF NH 1934 National Parks Set of 10. Showing: Yosemite, Yellowstone, Mount Rainier, Mesa Verde, Crater Lake, Acacia, Zion, Glacier Monument and great Smoky Mountains.

US 750 Mt. Rainier

Price: $22.50

1934 VF NH, Mt. Rainier Three-cent Souvenir Sheet

US 750 Mt. Rainier

Price: $16.50

1934 VF LH, Mt. Rainier Three-cent Souvenir Sheet

US 750-51a

Price: $6.00

VF NH, Singles from 1934 Mt. Rainier Three-cent and Yosemite One-cent Souvenir Sheets

US 750-51a 1934 Mt. Rainier and Yosemite Singles

Price: $3.95

VF LH, Singles from 1934 Mt. Rainier Three-cent and Yosemite One-cent Souvenir Sheets

US 750a Mt. Rainier Single Stamp From SS

Price: $4.25

VF NH, Single from 1934 Mt. Rainier National Park Three-cent Souvenir Sheet

US 751 Yosemite 1934 SS

Price: $9.95

1934 VF NH Yosemite National Park One-cent Souvenir Sheet

US 751a Yosemite

Price: $2.00

VF NH Single from 1934 Yosemite One-cent Souvenir Sheet

US 751 Yosemite

Price: $9.50

1934 VF LH Yosemite National Park One-cent Souvenir Sheet

1935 Farley Special Printing Singles

Price: $3.95

1935 Group of five previously issued designs special reprinting authorized by Postmaster James Farley. Issued without gum. Mothers' Day, Wisconson and special delivery stamps imperforate. Souvenir sheets, special pairs and blocks and National Parks sets reprintings sold separately. #'s 752-755, 771.

US 752 Peace Issue

Price: $0.25

VF * Farley Series, Peace Issue. Issued without gum.

US 752 Horizontal Gutter--

Price: $4.00

1934 Horizontal Gutter-- Farley Series, Peace Issue Horizontal-Gutter Pair no gum as issued.. Issued without gum.

US 752 Vertical Gutter Pr.

Price: $6.70

Vertical Gutter Farley Series, Peace Issue Vertical-Gutter Pair. Issued without gum.

US 753 Admrial Byrd

Price: $0.45

VF * Farley Series, Byrd Issue no gum as issued.

US 753 Vertical Pair w/ Horizontal Line

Price: $3.00

1935 Byrd Issue Farley Vertical Pair with Horizontal Line

US 753 Admrial Byrd Vertical Line Pair

Price: $27.50

VF,  Vertical Line Pair Farley Series, Byrd Issue Horizontal pair with vertical line, Issued without gum.

US 754 Mother's Day Stamp

Price: $0.40

VF * Farley Series Mothers' Day Imperforate no gum as issued.

US 755 Wisconsin

Price: $0.40

VF * Farley Series Wisconsin Issue Imperforate no gum as issued.

US 756-65 National Parks Imperforate

Price: $9.95

SALE! VF NH. Farley Series 1935 National Parks Set of 10 Imperforate no gum as issued.  For blocks of four, order four.