U.S. Used Stamps, 501 up

Used stamp cancels may vary unless specifically described

US 537 WWI Victory Stamp

Price: $2.00

FVF Used. US 537 WWI Victory Stamp

US 540 1919 Two-cent Washington Rotary Press

Price: $8.50

VF used. Two-cent Washington Perf 11 x 10 Rotary Press

US 541 Three-cent Washington Perf 11 x 10 Rotary Press

Price: $29.50

VF used. Three-cent Washington Perf 11 x 10 Rotary Press coil waste.<br>

US 547 1920 $2 Franklin

Price: $32.50

VF used. 1920 $2 Franklin, carmine and black flat plate print.

US 547 1920 $2 Franklin

Price: $22.50

FVF used. 1920 $2 Franklin, carmine and black flat plate print.

US 547 1920 $2 Franklin

Price: $15.95

Fine used. 1920 $2 Franklin, carmine and black flat plate print.

US 548 1920 One-Cent Mayflower used

Price: $1.90

VF used. 1920 Pilgrim Tercentenary One-Cent Mayflower

US 548 1920 One-Cent Mayflower used

Price: $1.40

FVF used. 1920 Pilgrim Tercentenary One-Cent Mayflower

US 549 Two Cent Landing of Pilgrims

Price: $1.50

VF 1920 Pilgrim Tercentenary Two-Cent Landing of Pilgrims

US 549 Two Cent Landing of Pilgrims

Price: $1.15

FVF 1920 Pilgrim Tercentenary Two-Cent Landing of Pilgrims

US 550 Mayflower Compact

Price: $11.50

VF Five-cent Pilgrim Tercentenary, signing of the Mayflower Compact

US 550 Mayflower Compact

Price: $7.95

FVF five-cent Pilgrim Tercentenary, signing of the Mayflower Compact.

US 555 1922 Three-cent Lincoln

Price: $0.85

FVF used. 1922 Lincoln Three-cent Flat Plate Perf 11.

US 556 1922 Four-cent Martha Washington

Price: $0.30

FVF used. 1922 Martha Washington Four-cent Flat Plate Perf. 11.<div><br></div><div><br></div>

US 557 1922 Five-cent Roosevelt

Price: $0.30

FVF used, 1922 five-cent Roosevelt Flat Plate perf 11

US 558 1922 Six-cent Garfield

Price: $0.60

FVF used, 1922 Six-cent Garfield Flat Plate perf 11

US 560 1922 Eight-cent Grant

Price: $0.60

FVF 1922 Eight-cent Grant

US 561 1922 Nine-cent Jefferson used

Price: $1.10


US 561 1922 Nine-cent Jefferson used

Price: $0.80


US 562 1922 10-cent Monroe

Price: $0.30

VF used. 1922 Monroe 10-cent Flat Plate Perf 11

US 563 1922 11-cent Hayes used

Price: $0.50

VF used, 1922 11-cent Hayes Flat Plate Perf 11

US 564 12-cent Cleveland P. 11

Price: $0.30

VF used, US 564 12-cent Cleveland P. 11

US 565 14-cent Indian

Price: $0.80

VF used. 1922 Indian Chief 14-cent Flat Plate Perf 11.

US 566 1922 15-cent Statue of Liberty

Price: $0.30

VF used FVF LH 1922 15-cent Statue of Liberty Flat Plate Perf 11

US 567 1922 20-cent The Golden Gate

Price: $0.30

VF 1922 20-cent The Golden Gate Flat Plate Perf 11

US 568 25-cent 1922 Niagara Falls

Price: $0.60

VF used 25-cent 1922 Niagara Falls Flat Plate Perf 11

US 569 30-cent American Bison

Price: $0.50

VF used,1922 American Bison 30-cent Flat Plate Perf 11

US 570 50-cent 1922 Arlington

Price: $0.30

VF used 50-cent 1922 Arlington Flat Plate Perf 11

US 571 1922 $1 Lincoln Memorial

Price: $0.50

VF used 1922 $1 Lincoln Memorial Flat Plate p. 11

US 572 1922 $2 The Capitol

Price: $6.95

VF used 1922 The Capitol $2 Flat Plate Perf 11

US 572 1922 $2 The Capitol

Price: $5.40

FVF 1922 The Capitol $2 Flat Plate Perf 11

US 573 1922 $5 Freedom

Price: $12.50

VF used. 1922 Statue of Freedoml $5 Flat Plate Perf 11.

US 576 Pair Imperf. Two-cent Washington Pair

Price: $2.50

VF Pair 1923 1 1/2- cent Harding Imperforate

US 578 1923 One-cent Franklin

Price: $79.50

Fine One-Cent Rotary Press Coil Waste issue

US 582 1 1/2-cent Harding

Price: $0.40

FVF used 1923 1 1/2-cent Harding Rotary Press perf 10

US 584 1923 Three-cent Lincoln

Price: $1.80

FVF used 1923 Three-cent Lincoln Rotary Press perf. 10