U.S. Commemorative Stamps
United States Commemoratives and Year Sets
individual U.S. commemorative stamps from 1893 through 1934, plus Year Sets, and selected singles, se tenant blocks and panes from 1935 to 2018.
US 237 10 Cent Columbus Presents Natives
Price: $150.00
FVF NH 1893 Ten-Cent Columbian, Columbus presents natives to court. Natural margin straight edge at top.
US 237 10 Cent Columbus Presents Natives
Price: $125.00
Fine NH 1893 Ten-Cent Columbian, Columbus presents natives to court. <br>
US 237 10 Cent Columbus Presents Natives
Price: $87.50
VF LH. 1893 Ten-Cent Columbian, Columbus presents natives to court.
US 237 10 Cent Columbus Presents Natives
Price: $65.00
FVF LH. 1893 Ten-Cent Columbian, Columbus presents natives to court.
US 237 10 Cent Columbus Presents Natives
Price: $45.00
Fine LH 1893 Ten-Cent Columbian, Columbus presents natives to court. One close margin
US 238 15 Cent Columbus Returns
Price: $675.00
VF/XF NH. 1893 15-cent Columbus announces his discovery. PF Certificate.
US 238 15 Cent Columbus Returns
Price: $175.00
VF LH. 1893 15-cent Columbus announces his discovery.
US 238 15 Cent Columbus Returns
Price: $110.00
FVF LH. 1893 15-cent Columbus announces his discovery.
US 238 15 Cent Columbus Returns
Price: $89.50
Fine LH. 1893 15-cent Columbus announces his discovery
US 238 15 Cent Columbus Returns
Price: $65.00
FVF no gum. 1893 15-cent Columbus announces his discovery
US 238 15 Cent Columbus Returns
Price: $45.00
Fine no gum. 1893 15-cent Columbus announces his discovery
US 239 30 Cent Columbus at Rabida
Price: $595.00
VF NH 1893 30-Cent Columbian, Columbus at La Rabida. Very Nice Stamp<br>
US 239 30 Cent Columbus at Rabida
Price: $195.00
VF LH 1893 30-Cent Columbian, Columbus at La Rabida
US 239 30 Cent Columbus at Rabida
Price: $150.00
FVF LH 1893 30-Cent Columbian, Columbus at La Rabida
US 239 30 Cent Columbus at Rabida
Price: $99.50
Fine LH. 1893 30-Cent Columbian, Columbus at La Rabida.
US 240 50 Cent Recall of Columbus
Price: $495.00
Fine, NH 1893 50-cent Columbian, Black, on horseback.
US 240 Certified 50-Cent Recall of Columbus
Price: $650.00
VF/XF LH. 1893 50-cent Columbian, Black. Showing Columbus on horseback. PSE certificate graded VF/XF 85.
US 240 50-Cent Recall of Columbus
Price: $395.00
VF LH. 1893 50-cent Columbian, Black, on horseback.
US 240 50-Cent Recall of Columbus
Price: $325.00
FVF LH. 1893 50-cent Columbian, Black, on horseback. PSE Certificate.
US 240 50 Cent Recall of Columbus
Price: $195.00
Fine hinged. 1893 50-Cent Columbian, Recall of Columbus
US 240 50 Cent Recall of Columbus
Price: $195.00
VF no gum. 1893 50-Cent Columbian, Recall of Columbus. Gum has been removed.
US 241 $1 Isabella Pledges Her Jewels
Price: $725.00
FVF LH. 1893 $1 Columbian, Isabella pledging her jewels. Light crease along top margin.<br>
US 241 $1 Isabella Pledges Her Jewels
Price: $695.00
FVF LH 1893 $1Columbian, Isabella pledging her jewels
US 241 $1 Isabella Pledges Her Jewels
Price: $595.00
VF LH, thin spot. 1893 $1 Columbian, Isabella pledging her jewels.
US 241 $1 Isabella Pledges Her Jewels
Price: $375.00
Fine LH. 1893 $1 Columbian, Isabella pledging her jewels. Small fault at bottom perf.
US 242 $2 Columbus in Chains
Price: $1,250.00
VF-XF LH. 1893 $2 Columbian, Columbus in Chains. Excellent apearance, blind perf at left adds interest.
US 243 $3 Columbus Describing His Third Voyage
Price: $1,650.00
VF-XF LH. 1893 $3 Columbian, Columbus describing his third voyage. Excellent centering and color.
US 243 $3 Columbus Describing His Third Voyage
Price: $1,395.00
VF LH. 1893 $3 Columbian, Columbus describing his third voyage. Great appearance and centering!
US 244 $4 Columbus and Isabella
Price: $1,850.00
VF LH. 1893 $4 Columbus and Isabella carmine rose. Excellent color and centering.
US 244 $4 Columbus and Isabella
Price: $850.00
FVF centering, disturbed gum. 1893 $4 Columbian, Carmine rose Columbus and Isabella. Rose color, small faults.<br>
US 244 $4 Columbus and Isabella
Price: $895.00
Very Fine no gum. 1893 $4 Columbian, Carmine rose Columbus and Isabella.
US 245 $5 Christopher Columbus
Price: $2,250.00
Very Fine, LH. 1893 $5 Christopher Columbus. Portrait of Colombus flanked by Liberty and an Indian Princess.
US 245 $5 Christopher Columbus
Price: $1,250.00
VF/XF centering, hinged small faults. 1893 $5 Christopher Columbus. Portrait of Colombus flanked by Liberty and an Indian Princess. Couple small gum thin spots, small disturbed gum area on right margin. Marvelous appearing example of this scarce stamp.
US 245 $5 Christopher Columbus
Price: $1,650.00
FVF LH. 1893 $5 Christopher Columbus. Portrait of Colombus flanked by Liberty and an Indian Princess. Bright stamp.
US 245 $5 Christopher Columbus
Price: $750.00
Average hinged.1893 $5 Christopher Columbus. <br>