Duck Stamps
US Duck Stamps
Complete U.S. Waterfowl Hunting stamps in stock to 2015. We have NH, lightly hinged and used Duck Stamps available in several grades.
"RW11, FVF NH White-fronted Geese, Duck Stamp"
Price: $95.00
"FVF NH, 1944, $1 White-fronted Geese, orange duck stamp."
"RW11, Fine NH White-fronted Geese, Duck Stamp"
Price: $50.00
"Fine NH, 1944, $1 White-fronted Geese, orange duck stamp."
"RW11, VF LH White-fronted Geese, Duck Stamp"
Price: $40.00
"VF LH, 1944, $1 White-fronted Geese, orange duck stamp."
"RW11, VF Used White-fronted Geese, Duck Stamp"
Price: $25.00
"VF used, 1944, $1 White-fronted Geese, orange duck stamp."
"RW12, VF NH Shoveller Duck Stamp"
Price: $85.00
"VF NH, 1945, $1 Shoveller Ducks, black duck stamp."
"RW12, FVF NH Shoveller Duck Stamp"
Price: $69.95
"FVF NH, 1945, $1 Shoveller Ducks, black duck stamp."
"RW12, VF LH Shoveller Duck Stamp"
Price: $35.00
"VF LH, 1945, $1 Shoveller Ducks, black duck stamp."
"RW13, VF NH Redheads Duck Stamp"
Price: $42.50
"VF NH, 1946, $1 Redhead Ducks,red-brown duck stamp."
"RW13, FVF NH Redheads Duck Stamp"
Price: $30.00
"FVF NH, 1946, $1 Redhead Ducks, red-brown duck stamp."
"RW13, FVF LH Redheads Duck Stamp"
Price: $19.50
"FVF LH, 1946, $1 Redhead Ducks, red-brown duck stamp."
"RW14, VF NH Snow Geese, Duck Stamp"
Price: $39.95
"SALE! VF NH, 1947, $1 Snow Geese, black duck stamp."
"RW14, VF used Snow Geese, Duck Stamp"
Price: $11.50
"FVF used, 1947, $1 Snow Geese, black duck stamp."
"RW15, VF NH Buffleheads, Duck Stamp"
Price: $55.00
"VF NH, 1948, $1 Bufflehead ducks, blue duck stamp."
"RW15, FVF NH Buffleheads, Duck Stamp"
Price: $39.95
"FVF NH, 1948, $1 Bufflehead ducks, blue duck stamp."
"RW15, VF LH Buffleheads, Duck Stamp"
Price: $35.00
"VF LH, 1948, $1 Bufflehead ducks, blue duck stamp."
"RW15, FVF LH Buffleheads, Duck Stamp"
Price: $25.00
"FVF LH, 1948, $1 Bufflehead ducks, blue duck stamp."
"RW15, VF Used Buffleheads, Duck Stamp"
Price: $13.50
"VF used, 1948, $1 Bufflehead ducks, blue duck stamp."
"RW16, VF NH Goldeneyes, Duck Stamp"
Price: $62.50
"VF NH, 1949, $2 Goldeneye ducks,green duck stamp."
"RW16, FVF NH Goldeneyes, Duck Stamp"
Price: $38.50
"FVF NH, 1949, $2 Goldeneye ducks,green duck stamp."
"RW16, VF LH Goldeneyes, Duck Stamp"
Price: $37.50
"VF LH, 1949, $2 Goldeneye ducks, green duck stamp."
"RW16, VF used Goldeneyes, Duck Stamp"
Price: $12.00
"VF used, 1949, $2 Goldeneye ducks, green duck stamp."
"RW17, VF NH Trumpeter Swans, Duck Stamp"
Price: $59.50
"FVF NH, 1950, $2 Trumpeter Swans, violet duck stamp."
"RW17, VF LH Trumpeter Swans, Duck Stamp"
Price: $45.00
"VF LH, 1950, $2 Trumpeter Swans, violet duck stamp."
"RW17, FVF LH Trumpeter Swans, Duck Stamp"
Price: $32.50
"FVF LH, 1950, $2 Trumpeter Swans, violet duck stamp."
"RW17, VF used Trumpeter Swans, Duck Stamp"
Price: $11.00
"VF used, 1950, $2 Trumpeter Swans, violet duck stamp."
"RW18, VF NH Gadwall Ducks, Duck Stamp"
Price: $75.00
"VF NH, 1951, $2 Gadwall Ducks, violet duck stamp."
"RW18, VF LH Gadwall Ducks, Duck Stamp"
Price: $47.50
"VF LH, 1951, $2 Gadwall Ducks, grey black duck stamp."
"RW18, VF used Gadwall Ducks, Duck Stamp"
Price: $11.00
"VF used, 1951, $2 Gadwall Ducks, grey black duck stamp."
"RW18, FVF used, Gadwall Ducks, Duck Stamp"
Price: $7.50
"FVF used, 1951, $2 Gadwall Ducks, grey black duck stamp."
"RW19, VF NH Harlequin Duck Stamp"
Price: $75.00
"VF NH, 1952, $2 Harlequin Ducks, ultramarine duck stamp."
"RW19, FVF NH Harlequin Duck Stamp"
Price: $57.50
"FVF NH, 1952, $2 Harlequin Ducks, ultramarine duck stamp."
"RW19, Harlequin Duck Stamp"
Price: $45.00
"VF LH, 1952, $2 Harlequin Ducks, ultramarine duck stamp."