U.S. Commemorative Stamp Year Sets

United States Mint Year Sets

1935-2014 complete sets of never-hinged commemoratives by year issued. Many regular issue stamp complete sets also listed.

1960 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1139-73

Price: $6.95

VF NH 1960 Commemorative Year Set: 35 Stamps.

1961 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set 1174-90

Price: $3.25

VF NH 1961 Commemorative Year Set: 17 Stamps

1962 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1191-1207

Price: $3.25

VF NH 1962 Commemorative Year Set: 17 Stamps

US 1208-9_1213-14_1225_1229 1962-3 Regular issues

Price: $2.25

VF NH 1962-3 Regular issues: 6 Stamps. Now with 1214, eight-cent Pershing, (moved from 1954 set) not shown.

1963 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1230-41

Price: $2.35

VF NH 1963 Commemorative Year Set: 12 Stamps

1964 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1242-60

Price: $3.50

VF NH 1964 Commemorative Year Set: 19 Stamps, Includes Christmas block (1254-7b). Including 1252-53, American Music and Homemaking, not shown.

1965 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1261-76

Price: $2.95

VF NH 1965 Commemorative Year Set: 16 Stamps. Includes John Copley painting, not shown.

US 1278-95, 1965-78 Prominent Americans

Price: $17.95

VF NH. 1965-78 Prominent Americans Complete Set. Also includes 30-cent John Dewey, not pictured, 21 stamps.

US 1297-1305C Prominent Americans Coils

Price: $4.50

VF NH 1965-81 Prominent Americans Coil Set

1966 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1306-22

Price: $2.90

VF NH 1966 Commemorative Year Set: 16 Stamps, 1 Souvenir Sheet (1311). Poland and Great River Road not shown.

1967 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1323-37

Price: $3.30

VF NH 1967 Commemorative Year Set: 15 Stamps, Includes Space walk (1331-2a)

US 1338-38G U.S. Flag Regular Issue

Price: $0.90

VF NH 1968-1971 Regular Issues: 5 Stamps

1968 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1339-64

Price: $6.50

VF NH 1968 Commemorative Year Set: 26 Stamps, Includes Historic Flags (1345-54) Now with $1 Vietnam Airlift stamp (not shown).

1969 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1365-86

Price: $4.90

VF NH 1969 Commemorative Year Set: 22 Stamps, Includes Beautification (1365-8a) and Botanical Congress (1376-79a)

1970 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1387-92, 1405-22

Price: $7.95

VF NH 1970 Commemorative Year Set: 28 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks (and precanceled toys)

1971 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1423-45

Price: $3.90

VF NH 1971 Commemorative Year Set: 23 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks.

1972 US Commemorative Year Set 1446-74

Price: $5.95

1972 Commemorative Year Set: 29 Stamps, includes all setenant blocks.

1973 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1475-1508

Price: $5.95

VF NH 1973 Commemorative Year Set: 34 Stamps, includes all setenant blocks.

1974 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1525-52

Price: $5.50

VF NH 1974 Commemorative Year Set: 28 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks

1975 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set 1553-80

Price: $5.50

VF NH 1975 Commemorative Year Set: 28 Stamps, Includes all setenant block

US 1581-1612, 1975 Americana Regular Issue

Price: $18.50

VF NH 1975-81 Americana Issue (Without 1590A) 23 stamps. !590A available separately.<br>

1976 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1629-1703

Price: $35.00

VF NH. 1976 Commemorative Year Set: 91 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks, State Flags Sheet and Bicentennial Souvenir Sheets.

1977 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1704-30

Price: $5.70

VF NH 1977 Commemorative Year Set: 27 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks

1978 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1731-3, 1738-69

Price: $9.95

VF NH 1978 Commemorative Year Set: 41 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks, CAPEX souvenir sheet

1979 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1770-1802

Price: $9.25

VF NH 1979 Commemorative Year Set: 34 Stamps, Includes one of each setenant block & two John Paul Jones varieties. No perforation variety of Winter Olympics (1798Ac) or John Paul Jones perf. 12 (1789B.)

1980 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1803-10, 1821-43

Price: $7.25

VF NH 1980 Commemorative Year Set: 31 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks and Dolly Madison single. Note; the Winter Olympics block #1795-8 is included with the 1979 year set as in Scott Catalog. Also available separately.

US 1844-69 Great Americans

Price: $9.40

VF NH 1980-85 Great Americans set. 26 stamps.<br>

1981 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1874-89, 1910-1945

Price: $19.50

VF NH 1981 Commemorative Year Set: 52 Stamps, Includes all se-tenant blocks and wildlife booklet pane 1889a.

1890-96 Flag and America the Beautiful Stamps

Price: $2.75

1981 Flag and America the Beautiful Stamp issue showing plains, seashore and mountains, plus the Flag over Supreme court group of three

1982 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set 1949-2030

Price: $30.95

VF NH 1982 Commemorative Year Set: 82 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks, Birds and Flowers Sheet and Bighorn Sheep booklet single

1982 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 1949-52, 2003-2030

Price: $12.20

VF NH 1982 Commemorative Year Short Set: 32 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks, and Bighorn Sheep booklet single (no Birds and Flowers Sheet)

US 1953-02, 1982 Birds and Flowers Line Perforation

Price: $19.95

SALE! 1982 VF NH Birds and Flowers setenant sheet. Perf. 10.5 x 11.25, Line perforation. Note: this sheet was issued with dry, invisible gum.

US 1953-02Ac, 1982 Birds and Flowers Comb Perforation

Price: $22.50

1982 VF NH Birds and Flowers setenant sheet. Perforation 11.25 x11 variety, bullseye perforation. Note: this sheet was issued with dry, invisible gum.

1983 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 2031-65

Price: $12.80

VF NH 1983 Commemorative Year Set: 35 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks

1984 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 2066-2109

Price: $19.95

VF NH 1984 Commemorative Year Set: 44 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks

1985 US Commemorative Stamp Year Set; 2110, 2137-66

Price: $16.40

VF NH 1985 Commemorative Year Set: 29 Stamps, Includes all setenant blocks.