West Germany Stamps to 1954
GE 669 NH Universal Postal Union
Price: $49.50
VF NH. Universal Postal Union 75th Anniversary. Showing Heinrich von Stephan and the Post Office.
GE 669 LH Universal Postal Union
Price: $15.00
VF LH. Universal Postal Union 75th Anniversary. Showing Heinrich von Stephan and the Post Office.
GE 669 Used Universal Postal Union
Price: $25.00
VF Used. Universal Postal Union 75th Anniversary. Showing Heinrich von Stephan and the Post Office.
GE 670-85 Used Posthorn Set
Price: $24.50
VF used. 1951-2 Posthorn Set complete. 16 stamps, 2pf to 90pf.
GE 686 NH W.K. Roentgen
Price: $59.50
VF NH. 1951 50th anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Prize to Wilhelm Roentgen.
GE 686 LH W.K. Roentgen
Price: $24.50
VF LH. 1951 50th anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Prize to Wilhelm Roentgen.
GE 686 Used W.K. Roentgen
Price: $12.00
VF used. 1951 50th anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Prize to Wilhelm Roentgen.
Ge 688 NH N.A. Otto
Price: $23.50
VF NH. 75th Anniversary of the four-cycle gas engine. Showing inventor Nikolaus Otto.
GE 688 used N.A. Otto
Price: $10.50
VF used. 75th Anniversary of the four-cycle gas engine. Showing inventor Nikolaus Otto.
GE 689 NH Martin Luther
Price: $11.00
VF NH. honoring Martin Luther and the Lutheran World Federation assembly being held in Hanover.
Ge 689 used Martin Luther
Price: $3.25
VF Used. honoring Martin Luther and the Lutheran World Federation assembly being held in Hanover.
GE 690 NH Return of Heligoland
Price: $12.50
VF NH. 1952 Return of Heligoland Island to Germany. Showing a picture of a freighter.
GE 690 Used Return of Heligoland
Price: $3.75
VF Used. 1952 Return of Heligoland Island to Germany. Showing a picture of a freighter.
GE 691 NH Carl Schurz
Price: $14.75
VF NH. Carl Schurz, Political idealist. 1952 100-year anniversary of Schurz's migration to America.
GE 691 LH Carl Schurz
Price: $4.95
VF LH. Carl Schurz, Political idealist. 1952 100-year anniversary of Schurz's migration to America.
GE 691 used Carl Schurz
Price: $4.95
VF Used. Carl Schurz, Political idealist. 1952 100-year anniversary of Schurz's migration to America.
GE 692 NH Postal Carriage
Price: $5.95
VF NH. Centenary of the first postage stamp in Thurn and Taxis. Showing a post rider (Postillion).
GE 692 LH Postal Carriage
Price: $2.25
VF LH. Centenary of the first postage stamp in Thurn and Taxis. Showing a post rider (Postillion).
GE 692 Used Postal Carriage
Price: $1.45
VF Used. Centenary of the first postage stamp in Thurn and Taxis. Showing a post rider (Postillion).
GE 693 NH Philipp Reis
Price: $35.00
VF NH. Seventy-fifth anniversary of telephone service in Germany. Showing Philipp Reis founder of telephone service in Germany.
GE 693 LH Philipp Reis
Price: $14.50
VF LH. Seventy-fifth anniversary of telephone service in Germany. Showing Philipp Reis founder of telephone service in Germany.
GE 693 Used Philipp Reis
Price: $10.00
VF Used. Seventy-fifth anniversary of telephone service in Germany. Showing Philipp Reis founder of telephone service in Germany.
GE 694 NH Accident Prevention
Price: $13.50
VF NH. Accident prevention issue, 1953. Showing mother and injured child.
GE 694 LH Accident Prevention
Price: $4.50
VF LH. Accident prevention issue, 1953. Showing mother and injured child.
Ge 694 Used Accident Prevention
Price: $2.85
VF used. Accident prevention issue, 1953. Showing mother and injured child.