Bundespost Semi-Postal, Airmail Stamps

B298-301 Cologne Cathedral

Price: $9.95

VF used. 1948 700th anniversary of Cologne Cathedral. Surcharge to fund reconstruction.

GE B294 US/British Zone Souvenir Sheet for Refugees

Price: $36.00

VF NH. 1946 Souvenir Sheet with surcharge for refugees and elder care. Perforated.

GE B294 US/British Zone Souvenir Sheet for Refugees

Price: $15.00

VF LH. 1946 Souvenir Sheet with surcharge for refugees and elder care. Perforated.

GE B295 US/British Zone Souvenir Sheet for Refugees

Price: $36.00

VF NH. 1946 Souvenir Sheet with surcharge for refugees and elder care. Imperforate.

GE B298-301 Colone Cathedral 700 Year Anniversary

Price: $8.50

VF NH. 1948 700th anniversary of Cologne Cathedral. Surcharge to fund reconstruction.

GE B302-3 Brandenburg Gate

Price: $9.25

VF NH. 1948 Issue to aid Berlin. Showing the Brandenburg Gate.

GE B302-3 Brandenburg Gate

Price: $4.50

VF LH. 1948 Issue to aid Berlin. Showing the Brandenburg Gate.

GE B304-5 Germany Bicycle Tour

Price: $13.50

VF NH. 1949 Bicycle racing tour. Showing cyclists.

GE B304-5 Germany Bicycle Tour

Price: $16.50

VF Used. 1949 Bicycle racing tour. Showing cyclists.

GE B306-8 Johann von Goethe

Price: $25.00

VF NH. 1949 set honoring Johann von Goethe.

GE B306-8 Johann von Goethe

Price: $22.50

VF Used. 1949 set honoring Johann von Goethe.

GE B309a

Price: $6.00

FVF LH. 1949 stamp marking the centenary of the German postage stamp. Showing the first Bavarian stamp.

GE B309 Used

Price: $13.95

VF used. 1949 stamp marking the centenary of the German postage stamp. Showing the first Bavarian stamp.

GE B310-13

Price: $62.50

VF NH. 1949 semi-postal set showing contributors to humanity. Including: St. Elizabeth, Paracelsus, A Froebel, and J Wichem. To benefit welfare

GE B310-13a

Price: $45.00

VF LH. 1949 semi-postal set showing contributors to humanity. Including: St. Elizabeth, Paracelsus, A Froebel, and J Wichem. To benefit welfare

GE B310-13 Used

Price: $99.50

VF Used. 1949 semi-postal set showing contributors to humanity. Including: St. Elizabeth, Paracelsus, A Froebel, and J Wichem. To benefit welfare

GE B314-15

Price: $62.50

VF NH. Bach. 1950 set commemorating the 200th anniversary of the death of Johann Sebastian Bach. Showing Bach's seal. Music.

GE B314-15 LH

Price: $25.00

VF LH. Bach. 1950 set commemorating the 200th anniversary of the death of Johann Sebastian Bach. Showing Bach's seal. Music.

GE B314-15 Used

Price: $59.50

VF Used. Bach. 1950 set commemorating the 200th anniversary of the death of Johann Sebastian Bach. Showing Bach's seal. Music.

GE B316-17

Price: $135.00

VF NH. 1951 set commemorating the 700th anniversary of the Marienkirche Cathedral in Lubeck. Surcharge to aid in reconstruction. Showing Frescoes from the cathedral.

GE B316-17 LH

Price: $52.50

VF LH. 1951 set commemorating the 700th anniversary of the Marienkirche Cathedral in Lubeck. Surcharge to aid in reconstruction. Showing Frescoes from the cathedral.

GE B316-17 Used

Price: $105.00

VF Used. 1951 set commemorating the 700th anniversary of the Marienkirche Cathedral in Lubeck. Surcharge to aid in reconstruction. Showing Frescoes from the cathedral.

GE B318-19

Price: $49.50

VF NH. Stamp collecting. Noting the National Philatelic Exposition being held in Wupertal. Showing stamps and a magnifying glass.

GE B318-19 LH

Price: $224.50

VF LH. Stamp collecting. Noting the National Philatelic Exposition being held in Wupertal. Showing stamps and a magnifying glass.

GE B318-19 Used

Price: $57.50

VF Used. Stamp collecting. Noting the National Philatelic Exposition being held in Wupertal. Showing stamps and a magnifying glass.

GE B320-23 LH

Price: $54.50

VF LH. Honoring contributors to humanity. Including: St. Vincent de Paul, Frederich von Bodelschwingh, Elsa Brandstrom, and Johann Pestalozzi. Surcharge for charity.

GE B320-23

Price: $75.00

VF NH. Honoring contributors to humanity. Including: St. Vincent de Paul, Frederich von Bodelschwingh, Elsa Brandstrom, and Johann Pestalozzi. Surcharge for charity.

GE B320-23 Used

Price: $79.50

VF Used. Honoring contributors to humanity. Including: St. Vincent de Paul, Frederich von Bodelschwingh, Elsa Brandstrom, and Johann Pestalozzi. Surcharge for charity.

GE B324 LH

Price: $3.25

VF LH. Nuremberg National Museum 100-year anniversary. Showing the Nuremberg Madonna.

GE B324

Price: $9.95

VF NH. Nuremberg National Museum 100-year anniversary. Showing the Nuremberg Madonna.

GE B324 Used

Price: $13.00

VF Used. Nuremberg National Museum 100-year anniversary. Showing the Nuremberg Madonna.

GE B325-6

Price: $24.50

VF NH. 1952 National Youth Program. Showing boys and girls outdoors.

GE B325-6 LH

Price: $11.50

VF LH. 1952 National Youth Program. Showing boys and girls outdoors.

GE B325-6 Used

Price: $28.50

VF Used. 1952 National Youth Program. Showing boys and girls outdoors.

GE B327-30

Price: $72.50

VF NH. 1952 contributors to humanity. Including: Elizabeth Fry, Dr Carl Sonnenschein, Theodor Fliedner, and Henri Dunant. Surcharge for welfare.

GE B327-30 LH

Price: $32.50

VF LH. 1952 contributors to humanity. Including: Elizabeth Fry, Dr Carl Sonnenschein, Theodor Fliedner, and Henri Dunant. Surcharge for welfare.