Marshall Islands Stamps

Marshall Islands Stamps 1897-1916

   #1-6 First Stamps, "Marschall Inseln"
The Marshall Islands became a German Colony October 15, 1885.

German stamps were used until 1897 when the Germans overprinted
1889 issues "Marschall-Inseln" diagonally.

   7-12 "Marshall-Inseln" No "C"
 In 1899 the overprint was altered to drop the "C" from the name creating a new stamp.

#13-25, 1901 Kaiser's Yacht
 In 1901 stamps picturing the Kaiser's yacht, "Hohenzollern" were issued for Germany's colonies; typographed, engraved and without watermark.

The three pfennig and Five Mark stamps were re-issued in 1916 on watermarked paper with a "lozenges" pattern. They were printed and sold in Berlin only.

Marshall Islands First Set, 1-6

Price: $475.00

VF LH. Three to 50 pfennig German stamps overprinted diagonally: "Marschall-Inselin."

Marshall Islands 3 LH

Price: $32.50

FVF LH. 10 pfennig German 1889 Eagle stamp overprinted diagonally: "Marschall-Inseln." Marschall with a "c" Perfs. just clear bottom margin

Marshall Islands 4 LH

Price: $35.00

VF LH. 20 pfennig German 1889 Eagle stamp overprinted diagonally: "Marschall-Inseln." Marschall with a "c"

Marshall Islands 5a LH

Price: $35.00

VF LH, small fault. 25 pfennig German 1889 Eagle issue overprinted diagonally: "Mars<span style="font-weight: bold;">c</span>hall-Inseln." <br>

Marshall Islands 7

Price: $3.25

VF LH. 1899 3-Pfennig German 1899 "eagle" overprinted "Marshall-Inseln" diagonally in black.

Marshall Islands 7-12

Price: $69.50

FVF hinged set. 1899 3-50 Pfennig German 1899 "eagle" set overprinted "Marshall-Inseln" diagonally in black. 50pf. disturbed gum.

Marshall Islands 7 Used

Price: $3.50

VF used. 1899 3-Pfennig German 1899 "eagle" overprinted "Marshall-Inseln" diagonally in black.

Marshall Islands 8 LH

Price: $8.50

VF LH. 1899 5-Pfennig German 1899 "eagle" overprinted "Marshall-Inseln" diagonally in black.

Marshall Islands 8 Used

Price: $9.50

VF used. 1899 5-Pfennig German 1899 "eagle" overprinted "Marshall-Inseln" diagonally in black.

Marshall Islands 11

Price: $12.50

FVF LH. 1899 25-Pfennig German 1899 "eagle" overprinted "Marshall-Inseln" diagonally in black.

Marshall Islands 12 used

Price: $35.00

VF used. 1899 50-Pfennig German 1899 "eagle" overprinted "Marshall-Inseln" diagonally in black. Light cancel.

Marshall Islands 13

Price: $1.10

VF Used. 1902 3pf brown small "yacht."

Marshall Islands 14

Price: $0.50

VF LH, 1902 5pf green small "yacht."

Marshall Islands 14 Used

Price: $1.10

VF used, 1902 5pf green small "yacht."

Marshall Islands 15 NH

Price: $1.10

VF NH, 1902 10pf carmine small "yacht."

Marshall Islands 15 LH

Price: $0.50

VF LH, 1902 10pf carmine small "yacht."

Marshall Islands 15 used

Price: $2.95

VF used on piece, 1902 10pf carmine small "yacht."

Marshall Islands 16 used

Price: $5.50

VF used, 1902 20pf blue small "yacht." on small piece, full cancel on piece.<br>

Marshall Islands 17 used

Price: $11.00

VF used, 1902 25pf orange and black on yellow small "yacht." <br>

Marshall Islands 18 used

Price: $10.00

VF used, 1902 30pf Orange and black small "yacht." on small piece.

Marshall Islands 21

Price: $25.00

VF used. 1901 80-Pfennig small Kaiser's yacht.

Marshall Islands 22 Large Yacht

Price: $59.50

VF used. 1901 1 Mark red large Kaiser's yacht.

Marshall Islands 23 Large Yacht

Price: $85.00

VF Used. 1901 2 Blue large Kaiser's yacht. <br>

Marshall Islands 25 LH

Price: $125.00

VF LH, 1902 5-RM Green and Carmine Large "yacht."

Marshall Islands 26

Price: $0.65

VF LH. 3pf, 1916 small Kaiser's yacht. Diamonds watermark.

Marshall Islands 26 Yacht

Price: $1.40

VF NH. 1916 Three pfennig watermarked Kaiser's Yacht.

Marshall Islands 27 Large Yacht

Price: $27.50

VF LH. 1916 Five mark large Kaiser's yacht with diamonds watermark.&nbsp; <br>