-AXIS Hungary-Romania-Bulgaria
Bulgaria 553-60, Red Cross Assistance New Colors
Price: $2.50
VF LH, 1947 Set of 8 to raise funds for the Red Cross, Showing war wounded, refugees, and a Red Cross hospital train.
Identical to 1946 issue except for color changes.
Hungary 551-54, 1939 Girl Scouts
Price: $2.75
VF NH. 1939 Issue to commemorate the Girl Scout Jamboree in Hungary.
Stamps show Girl Scout sign, Lilly and Hungarian Shield, Girl
Scout hat and national headress, and flying dove with scout emblems.
Hungary 570-72, Admrial Horthy, Regent
Price: $2.00
VF NH 1940. Admrial Horthy as Regent of Hungary.
Hungary 621-24, 1944 Lajos Kossuth
Price: $1.25
VF NH. 1944 Issue to commemorate Lajos Kossuth 1802-1894, Leader of Hungarian resistance to Austrian rule. Stamps show, Kossuth, his family and battle for independence. For WW II overprints see B175-78.
Hungary B110-12, Aviation Fund
Price: $2.50
VF used. 1940 Three stamps depicting allegories of flight. Including archangel Gabriel. Surcharge for aviation fund. Light cancels.
Hungary B126-29, The Arts
Price: $2.95
VF LH 1940. Issue to support the Arts. Images represent Drama, Sculpture, Art and Literature.
Hungary B131-4 Pilot Training
Price: $2.75
VF NH. 1941 set of four showing allegory of flight. Surcharge for national aviation fund.
Hungary B140-3, 1942 Aviation
Price: $2.95
VF NH. 1941 set for aviation support and training. Surcharge went to national aviation fund.
Hungary B144-47, Red Cross
Price: $3.95
VF used. 1942. Red Cross fund-raising issue. Showing war scenes. Giving aid.
Hungary B148-50I, Red Cross, Imperforate
Price: $7.95
VF NH 1942. Red Cross issue, showing War Hero Stephen Horthy�s Widow and Mother, and a Nurse on the battlefield.Imperforte
Hungary B148-50I, Red Cross, Imperforate
Price: $4.50
VF LH 1942. Red Cross issue, showing War Hero Stephen Horthy’s Widow and Mother, and a Nurse on the battlefield.
Hungary B171-4, Red Cross 1944
Price: $1.75
VF NH. 1943 Red Cross stamps showing soldiers and nurses.
Hungary B175-8 University Issue
Price: $3.00
VF NH First Charity issue of the new republic. Overprinted on regular issue
stamps showing Lajos Kossuth, soldier, freedom fighter and statesman of the 19th
Hungary B179-86, War Heroes
Price: $3.95
VF LH, 1945. Set of 8 featuring Hungarian war heroes and anti-fascist leaders.
Romania 444-49 1934 Boy Scout Jamboree
Price: $29.95
FVF LH. 1934 Set commemorating Romania's Boy Scout Jamboree in Mamaia, Romania. Overprinted in gold or black; "Mamaia 1934" and logo on stamps previously issued for the 1932 event.
Romania B44-49, 1934 Boy Scout Jamboree
Price: $29.95
VF LH. 1934 set of Boy Scout stamps overprinted for the 1934 Jamboree in Mamaia Romania. Showing scouting activities and the Romanian King.
Romania 489-90 New York Worlds Fair
Price: $1.65
VF NH. 1939 Set commemorating Romania's pavillion at the New York Worlds Fair. Showing the building at the fair. Blocks of four available, order four.
Romania B66-8, Naval Ships
Price: $4.95
VF LH. 1936 Showing Romanian ships, Submarine Delfinul, training sailing ship Mircea, and steamship S.M.R.
Romania B149-53 Carol 1st Foundation
Price: $4.95
VF LH, May 1941 Set to mark the establishment of the King Carol 1st Foundation
to benefit the arts. Set overprinted in August to commemorate the battle of
Romania B154-58, Occupation of Cernauti
Price: $8.95
VF NH 1941. Set overprinted to mark the battle and occupation of Cernauti, Bucovina. Overprinted "CERNAUTI, 5 Julie 1941.”
Romania B154-58, Occupation of Cernauti
Price: $5.95
VF LH 1941. Set overprinted to mark the battle and occupation of Cernauti,
Bucovina. Overprinted "CERNAUTI, 5 Julie 1941.”
Romania B159-63, Occupation of Chisinau
Price: $8.95
VF NH 1941. Set overprinted to mark the battle and occupation of Chisinau, Bessarabia. Overprinted -CHISINAU, 16 Julie 1941.-
Romania B159-63, Occupation of Chisinau
Price: $5.95
VF LH 1941. Set overprinted to mark the battle and occupation of Chisinau, Bessarabia. Overprinted -CHISINAU, 16 Julie 1941.-
Romania B206, Red Cross
Price: $5.50
VF Mint 1943 Red Cross souvenir sheet of two showing nurse and wounded soldier. Surcharge supported the Romanian Red Cross. Issued W/O gum.
Romania B247-50, Red Cross
Price: $1.95
VF NH. 1945 issue with a surcharge for the Romanian Red Cross. Showing Queen Mother Helen.
Romania B252-550 Romanian Scenes
Price: $3.25
VF NH. 1944 issue showing idealistic scenes from Romanian life under Communism.
Romania B256-58 Romanian King Michael
Price: $1.50
VF NH. 1945 featuring King Mihael and the Carrol I Foundation building. Surcharge went to rebuilding the library. Printed in mini-sheets of four.
Romania B256-58 Romanian King Michael Set of Sheets
Price: $5.00
VF NH. 1945 featuring King Mihael and the Carrol I Foundation building. Surcharge went to rebuilding the library. Mini-sheets of four.
Romania B268-71 Occupation Conversion to Communism
Price: $4.95
VF NH. 1945 Russian "Liberation" issue commemorating the Soviet-Romanian congress.<br>