-Slovakia Stamps
Slovakia 2-23, 1939 Overprint set
Price: $235.00
VF LH. 1939 first set of Slovakia. Czech stamps of 1928-1939 overprinted, "Slovensky Stat 1939," in various colors. Scarce!
Slovakia 23A 1939 Gen. Milan Stefanik
Price: $29.50
Fine NH, 1939 General Milan Stefanik. Printed for use in Czechoslovakia, but issued for use in Slovakia only. Very scarce. Stefanik was instrumental in creating Czechoslovakia. Having raised an army during WW I to unify the Czech and Slovak areas of the Austrian-Hungarian empire. Stamps are close to margin on left side, not as pictured.<br>
Slovakia 23A 1939 Gen. Milan Stefanik
Price: $17.50
VF LH, 1939 General Milan Stefanik. Printed for use in Czechoslovakia, but issued for use in Slovakia only. Very scarce. Stefanik was instrumental in creating Czechoslovakia. Having raised an army during WW I to unify the Czech and Slovak areas of the Austrian-Hungarian empire.
Slovakia 23A 1939 Gen. Milan Stefanik
Price: $13.50
FVF LH, 1939 General Milan Stefanik. Printed for use in Czechoslovakia, but issued for use in Slovakia only. Very scarce. Stefanik was instrumental in creating Czechoslovakia. Having raised an army during WW I to unify the Czech and Slovak areas of the Austrian-Hungarian empire.
Slovakia 23A 1939 Gen. Milan Stefanik
Price: $9.50
Fine LH, 1939 General Milan Stefanik. Printed for use in Czechoslovakia, but issued for use in Slovakia only. Very scarce. Stefanik was instrumental in creating Czechoslovakia. Having raised an army during WW I to unify the Czech and Slovak areas of the Austrian-Hungarian empire.
Slovakia 24-25 1939 Andrej Hlinka Overprinted
Price: $3.00
FVF NH, 1939 Andrej Hlinka, a priest who was active in the Slovakia independence movement. Overprinted Slovensky Stat. The Hlinka Guard, a Militia in Slovakia established by the pro-Nazi Slovak People's Party.<br>
Slovakia 24-25 1939 Andrej Hlinka Overprinted
Price: $0.90
FVF LH, 1939 Andrej Hlinka, a priest who was active in the Slovakia independence movement. Overprinted Slovensky Stat. The Hlinka Guard, a Militia in Slovakia established by the pro-Nazi Slovak People's
Slovakia 24-25 1939 Andrej Hlinka Overprinted
Price: $0.75
VF used, 1939 Andrej Hlinka, a priest who was active in the Slovakia independence movement. Overprinted Slovensky Stat. The Hlinka Guard, a Militia in Slovakia established by the pro-Nazi Slovak People'sParty was fashioned after the Nazi SA and became the state police.
Slovakia 26-33 1939 Andrej Hlinka 5H-3K used
Price: $4.25
VF used. 1939 Andrej Hlinka set of 8, 5H to 3K.
Slovakia 28-29a, 1939 Andrej Hlinka 20H-30H Imperforate
Price: $1.25
VF LH. 1939 Andrej Hlinka set of 2, 20H-30H Imperforate
Slovakia 34-37, 1939 Gen. Stefanik and Memorial Tomb
Price: $3.95
VF NH. Gen. Stefanik and Memorial Tomb. Not issued for political issues.
Slovakia 34-37, 1939 Gen. Stefanik and Memorial Tomb
Price: $2.50
VF LH. Gen. Stefanik and Memorial Tomb. Not issued for political issues.
Slovakia 34-37, 1939 Gen. Stefanik and Memorial Tomb
Price: $10.00
VF canceled. Gen. Stefanik and Memorial Tomb. Not issued. Favor canceled.
Slovakia 38-39, 1939 Rev. Josef Murgas & Radio Towers
Price: $0.50
VF used. Rev. Josef Murgas & Radio Towers. Rev. Murgas was an inventor and helped establish Czechoslovakia as a republic.
Slovakia 40-42 1939 Cultural Workers and Dress
Price: $4.75
VFLH 1939 Cultural, Workers and Dress. Showing embroidering, a wookcutter, and getting water.
Slovakia 40-42 1939 Cultural Workers and Dress
Price: $2.00
VF used 1939 Cultural Workers and Dress. Showing embroidering, a wookcutter, and getting water.
Slovakia 43-43A, 1939 Dr. Josef Tiso
Price: $0.50
VF used. Dr. Josef Tiso, Leader of Slovakian fascist movement.
Slovakia 44 10 K Presidental Residence
Price: $1.00
VF NH. 1940 10 K view of the presidental residence.
Slovakia 44 10 K Presidental Residence
Price: $0.60
VF LH. 1940 10 K view of the presidental residence.
Slovakia 45-49, 1940-43, Rural Scenes
Price: $1.25
VFused. Slovakian rural scenes; mountains, flowers, a chamois and a church.
Slovakia 55-57, 1940-42, Andrej Hlinka 1K-3K
Price: $2.50
VF LH Andrej Hlinka 1K-3K, set of three. Issued in new colors and watermarked.
Slovakia 55-57, 1940-42, Andrej Hlinka 1K-3K
Price: $2.00
VF used Andrej Hlinka 1K-3K, set of three. Issued in new colors and watermarked.
Slovakia 62-64, 1941, S.M. Daxner and Stefan Moyses
Price: $12.50
VF NH 1941, S.M. Daxner and Stefan Moyses, fathers of the concept of the Slovakian natin.
Slovakia 69, 1942, Andrej Hlinka 1.30K
Price: $0.45
VF LH Andrej Hlinka 1.3K, issued in a new color,
Slovakia 69, 1942, Andrej Hlinka 1.30K
Price: $0.30
VF used. Andrej Hlinka 1.3K, issued in a new color,
Slovakia 77-82, 1942 Slovakian Educational Society
Price: $1.35
VF LH 1942 Slovakian Educational Society