Classic U.S. Used Stamps
United States Used Stamps
Classic Used United States 19th Century to 1926, regular and commemoratives. Offering a wide variety by issue, condition and pricing.
US 1 XF Five-Cent Red Brown Franklin
Price: $550.00
XF/VF used. Red brown 1847 five-cent Franklin with a bold, red grid cancel. Large, even margins. The five cent stamp paid the postage for a 1/2 oz. letter up to 300 miles.
A great example of America's first national postage stamp.
US 1 VF/XF Five-Cent Red Brown Franklin
Price: $450.00
VF/XF dark red brown 1847 five-cent Franklin with a light, circular red grid cancel. Excellent margins. The five cent stamp paid the postage for a 1/2 oz. letter up to 300 miles.
With a 2006 PSE certificate.
US 1 VF 5 Cent Brown Franklin
Price: $495.00
VF/XF Beautiful red brown 1847 5-cent Franklin with a light
circular red grid cancel. Nice margins. The five cent stamp paid the postage for a 1/2 oz. letter up to 300 miles.
US 1 VF Red Brown Five-Cent Franklin
Price: $395.00
VF Striking red-brown 1847 5-cent Franklin with a bright orange-red grid cancel.
US 1 FVF Brown Five-Cent Franklin
Price: $275.00
FVF used. Brown 1847 five-cent Franklin with small, but complete margin lines.
Distinctive blue grid cancel .
US 1, Red Brown, Pen Cancel
Price: $350.00
XF used, Excellent-brown Four-margin,1847 5-cent Franklin with a
light pen cancel.
#1 Fine Deep Red Brown 5 Cent Franklin
Price: $175.00
"Fine used. Deep, rich red brown five-cent 1847 with a bold cross-hatch pen cancel." Striking appearance at a bargain price.<br>
US 2 VF-XF 10Cent Washington
Price: $950.00
VF/XF used. Excellent 10-cent black Washington showing a bold red grid cancel. Four full margins plus. PF certificate.
US #2 10-cent Washington, Red Cancel
Price: $595.00
VF used. Ten-cent Washington. Three full framelines with balanced margins on three sides. In at bottom. Light blue circular cancel.<br>
US 7 One-cent Ben Franklin Great Centering
Price: $225.00
XF used jumbo. 1851 Type II, position 72L2. A bold, but unobtrusive CDS cancel nicely compliments the stamp. Three giant margins with parts of other stamps. APS certificate.
US 7 One-cent Ben Franklin Wonderful Cancel
Price: $135.00
VF used, deep blue example. Four margins plus leaves the complete design. Double strike of circular grid cancel.<br>
US 7 XF One-cent Ben Franklin
Price: $95.00
XF+ used, pen cancel. Four excellent margins with complete design. All the characteristics of the Type IV one cent show clearly. Light pen cancel nicely strokes barely detract.
US 9 One-cent Franklin Type IV
Price: $150.00
Extra Fine used. 1852 Franklin one-cent stamp with striking black and red cancels. Four full margins plus. Shows full
US 9 One-cent Franklin Type IV
Price: $125.00
Extra Fine used. 1852 Franklin 1-cent stamp with a very light circular date cancel. Four full margins plus. Shows full design.
US 9 One-cent Franklin Type IV
Price: $120.00
VF/XF 1852 Franklin 1-cent stamp with a sharp partial red CDS cancel. Excellent margins.
US 9 One-cent Franklin Type IV
Price: $85.00
Very Fine 1852 Franklin 1-cent stamp with a light
cancel. Full design.
US 9 One-cent Franklin Type IV
Price: $35.00
Fine 1852 Franklin 1-cent stamp with a
circular cancel.
US 9 One-cent Franklin Type IV XF Pair
Price: $325.00
Extra Fine 1852 Franklin one-cent pair with a circular cancel. Large 4-margins including frame line from stamps below. Plating on reverse of stamp indicates positions of 36-37 R1. A true showpiece.
US 10A 3 Cent Washington VF Orange Brown
Price: $115.00
FVF used. Deep-orange brown type II with inner framelines,
rich color, sharp circular blue-grid cancel. On piece.<br>
US 10 3-cent Washington Orange Brown
Price: $69.50
Fine, Excellent deep red brown color, light circular cancel. Stamp has black cancel at right of portrait. Sharp, good impression.<br>
US 11 Three-Cent 1851 Imperforate Washington
Price: $16.50
VF used. 1851 three-cent Washington type I imperforate issue.
US 11 Three-Cent 1851 Imperforate Washington
Price: $12.50
FVF 1851 three-cent Washington type I Imperforate issue.
US 11A Three-Cent 1851 Imperforate Washington
Price: $45.00
VF/XF used. 1851 3-cent Washington TY II Imperforate issue. Bold NYC Jan 10 cancel. PSE Certificate graded VF-XF 85.
US 11 Three-Cent 1851 Imperforate Washington
Price: $12.50
VF used. 1851 3-cent Washington TY II Imperforate issue.
US 11 Three-Cent 1851 Imperforate Washington
Price: $9.75
FVF used. 1851 Three-cent WashingtonTy. II Imperforate issue.
US 11 Three-Cent 1851 Imperforate Washington
Price: $7.50
Fine used. 1851 Three-cent Washington Ty. II Imperforate issue.
US 12 5 Cent 1856 Jefferson
Price: $1,250.00
XF used. Huge, large margins and well-centered example of 1851 five-cent Jefferson. Light circular date cance leaves full portrait clearly visible. Fresh and desirable.
US 12 5 Cent 1856 Jefferson
Price: $650.00
VF used. Five-cent 1851 Jefferson w/ light CXL. Bonus red cancel at bottom. Margin clear of design all around.
US 12 5 Cent 1856 Jefferson
Price: $395.00
FVF used. Five-cent 1851 Jefferson w/ light CXL. Margin close to frame on right, but otherwise excellent centering.
US 12 5-Cent 1856 Jefferson
Price: $295.00
Fine used. Margin close on left and bottom, excellent on right, w/ light Circular Cancel over portrain. Great red-brown color.
US 13 1855 10 Cent Washington Ty. I
Price: $1,200.00
XF used. Type I 10-cent Washington with large circular cancel not covering face. Extra big margins add to appeal.
US 14 1855 10-cent Washington Ty. II Graded XF 90!
Price: $275.00
XF used. Large 4-margin 10-cent Washington, Fairly light cancel. Wonderful stamp. PSE Certificate grading the stamp at XF 90!
US 14 1855 10-cent Washington Ty. II
Price: $125.00
"Very Fine " 4-margin 10-cent Washington, with light cancel. Very bright color.
US 14 1855 10 Cent Washington Ty. II
Price: $79.50
"FVF 4-margin 10-cent Washington, with moderate black cancel. "